Some our projects
PRAGNUM protects the client’s 50-hectare land plot from a hostile take-over At the beginning of the 2000s, our client took out a long-term lease on a plot of land. Over the...
PRAGNUM collects a multi-million dollar debt from a company that had 129 enforcement proceedings opened against it A client contacted PRAGNUM regarding the legalisation and execution of the ICAC decision on the recovery of damages and interest...
PRAGNUM defends the leading Ukrainian manufacturer of military equipment In 2015, events in the eastern regions of Ukraine revealed an acute shortage of modern means of protection for military...
PRAGNUM protects the interests of a large juice concentrate producer Very often, when presenting the legal position and the potential risks of a legal dispute to the client in the...
PRAGNUM collects USD 3 million Debt collection under a loan agreement, and even if there is a certificate for receipt of funds by the debtor, what could be easier? — This is what almost every competent lawyer will think when assessing the chances of success in such a case. But each individual case, even the simplest, can have a completely...