PRAGNUM returns goods illegally seized by the police in the amount of more than $1m.

PRAGNUM returns goods illegally seized by the police in the amount of more than $1m.

The story began when the company was systematically subjected to pressure from de jure non-existent “tax policemen”. The reason for the special attention was the refusal of the director of the company to slander one of his partners who came into notice of some high-ranking officials. Under a false pretext, as part of an unrelated criminal case, the houses of the manager and owner of the building, as well as the company’s stores and warehouses, were searched. The tax police seized and removed six twenty-ton trucks with goods.

PRAGNUM attorneys quickly documented numerous violations by “law enforcement officers”, which allowed us to secure not only the release of the seized property and its return to the owner, but also the opening of three criminal proceedings against police officers and the initiation of criminal prosecution against them.

In a situation where “defenders of law and order” behave like criminals, we recommend turning off your emotions and turning on some healthy cynicism. Remember that any force can always be opposed, even if, at first glance, the resources of the opponents are not equal. 

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