Some our projects
PRAGNUM puts an end to the long-standing confrontation between Kvazar-Micro and Ukrgasvydobuvannya The team of lawyers consisting of Oleksandr Mostovyi, Olena Michurina and Pavlo Karpyn, led by Managing Partner Vitaly Bobrynev, successfully completed an extremely interesting and at the same time complex case on debt recovery in the amount of over UAH 33 million, which a customer, Ukrgasvydobuvannya...
PRAGNUM collects USD 3 million Debt collection under a loan agreement, and even if there is a certificate for receipt of funds by the debtor, what could be easier? — This is what almost every competent lawyer will think when assessing the chances of success in such a case. But each individual case, even the simplest, can have a completely...