Past event


Date: 4 June 2018

As was reported earlier, a meeting with business representatives was held at the Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry on June 30. We discussed one of the most pressing topics of modern business — cybersecurity.

Oleksii Nekrasov, Senior Associate at PRAGNUM, shared advice and practical experience with the participants. 

Here are some practical advice from Oleksii:

  • Install good doors and a video surveillance system in the office, which will save recordings to the cloud (the router should be outside the office).
  • Train staff on the basics of what to do during sudden investigations and assign a person in charge, who each employee can consult with.
  • Maintain desk “hygiene” and remind staff of this.
  • Be aware that you have not only responsibilities, but also rights (e.g. not to say anything and not to sign anything).
  • Do not give anything over to law enforcement without an audit/approval from your lawyer.
  • Limit staff access to any business information they do not need.
  • Document access rights of personnel and notify them of liability for its disclosure as much as possible.
  • Use the correct procedure for registration of rights to equipment/software and keep the relevant documents in the office.
  • Diversify the ownership of equipment, premises, and goods as much as possible.
  • Encryption, backups, clouds. In the 21st century, these are a MUST-HAVE for everyone!

Case study: An above-the-board company invested a lot of money in a cloud storage system. However, it was inconvenient for the accountant to wait for the software to load, so she saved all the information on the server. During the search, investigators were “very happy” when they seized the server and obtained all the company’s internal information. The question arises: What for did the company invest in expensive technology?

Cloud services received the spotlight at the event, since at the moment this is almost the only way to protect your company’s internal information.

The event was lively and featured discussions, exchange of experiences and case studies.

It was very interesting. We are grateful to the Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry and to the organisers of the event!